Please check on current availability (e-mail or phone) before placing an order. Some species may be seasonally sold out; these can be back-ordered for shipment as soon as harvested.
There is no minimum order. A basic $6.00 packing/handling charge is added to all orders.

Shipping charges are billed at cost.

WA State retail customers: add sales tax at your current local rate. Find at:


All prices F.O.B. Port Townsend, WA. Subject to change without notice.

(Rev. December 2024 )

Prices for amounts other than the units listed:
• One-half lb. at 60% of the lb. price.
• One-half oz. at 60% of the oz. price.

• One-eighth oz. at 60% of the one-quarter oz. price.
• Larger amounts: inquire. Bulk discounts available on selected species.

As a service to gardeners and other retail customers needing only a minimum quantity of seed:

single packets are offered for all listings: $4.00 ea.
3 packets of a single species @$10.00

Closing dates for pre-orders vary as does the growing season from year to year. While some seed ripens as early as May, harvest for most species begins in earnest by early July.
ORDER EARLY to avoid disappointment!

AVAILABILITY changes on a daily basis throughout the year.
Please send your wish-list by email for review, or call,
in order to learn what's available at the moment.
(Most listings are in stock most of the year.)

TERMS: Prepaid or COD unless other arrangements have been made.

Established wholesale accounts are billed at 30 days, net.

Using Plastic: the credit/debit card service we use is: www.paypal.com
It's helpful if you have a Paypal account, but not necessary:

we can send a Request for Payment to provide access to Paypal.  

SHIPPING: Insured first-class mail, Fedex or UPS (street address required).

If ordering more than one item, you may specify whether to ship when the order is complete, or

as-soon-as-possible. If items are to be sent ASAP, they will also be billed separately along with any additional shipping charges. The main shipping season coincides with harvest (July through October), and continues year-round.

OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES: Restrictions may exist on the importation of some species; check with your own agriculture authorities to see if an import permit is required. Phytosanitary Certificates, if needed, will be provided through the State of Washington, and billed at cost.


CUSTOM MIXES (one lb. minimum) are offered made-to-order for each unique location, based on your specifications. 
We no longer formulate generic mixes for 'home gardens' and 'meadows'. A one-size-fits-all "native wildflower mix" intended to beautify a recently-dug septic area, or planted on the shaded north side of a structure, is too often a recipe for disappointment. Consult reference materials online and in reference books for species suitable for your site.
If you are a new gardener or unfamiliar with species on our list, you are advised to seek the wisdom of an experienced friend or neighbor or of a local garden consultant.

* * * * *

WARRANTY: Seeds are guaranteed to be true-to-name, cleaned and weed-free
within recognized tolerances, originating from locations within the Inside
Passage region (unless otherwise noted), during the most recent crop year.
No other warranty is expressed or implied. Liability is limited to purchase
price of the seed. Please inspect goods on arrival; damage or other claims
must be made within seven days.

INSIDE PASSAGE is highly selective in its harvest locations, avoiding areas
that may be contaminated by pollution from herbicides, automobiles, or HV
electromagnetic fields. A thoughtful effort is made to adhere to the
Washington Native Plant Society "Policy on Collection and Sale of Native
Plants." After harvest, seeds are placed in cool, dry storage without
fungicides or other treatment, and packaged the day of shipment.


New listings as of late-harvest 2024:

Angelica genuflexa. Kneeling angelica.

Clintonia uniflora. Queen's cup.

Luina hypoleuca. Silverback luina.

Rhinanthus minor. Yellow rattle.


"I have purchased seeds from you over the past few years and I thought you might like to know what has worked well for me in Portland, Oregon in an urban setting. Admittedly, my plantings are somewhat helter-skelter due to time constraints and not every planting has been successful. I start all of my plants in pots to try and learn what the sprouts look like and protect them from slugs. Ideally, I try to grow them up to a good size before planting out. This year I think the wet/cool spring was somewhat beneficial this year for some of my more recent transplants since I had quite a bit of flowering.

1) Allium acuminatum: This one required some patience but I got blooms for the past two years. What a lovely flower!


3) Aster subspicatus: This one self-sows very well and I like the fact that it is a late season bloomer.

5) Castilleja miniata: I have found that the paintbrushes germinate fairly well with cold stratification and they actually do fairly well in pots. I have some penstemon as host plants in this pot.


6) Castilleja hispida: This one has survived its initial planting into the ground next to a lupine plant though there is now some bleeding heart nearby. It has come back several years in a row.

7) Iris tenax: No flowers yet but I have at least one good-sized clump so maybe next year.
8) Mimulus guttatus: I first planted this in 2007 and it has self-sowed fairly well after it was transplanted.
9) Dodecatheon hendersonii: These readily germinated and I grew them in deep cone-shaped trays for a couple of years before transplanting them out. I got flowers from a couple of them this year.
10) Penstemon davidsonii: Germination was not easy but I have one good plant in a pot. I have not seen any flowers yet.
11) Penstemon serrulatus: Last year I transplanted several into one small area and this year I got a lot of blooms. The columbine did really well this year too.


12) Erigeron speciosus: This is another one of my favorites...it seems to survive some benign neglect and is a prolific bloomer. I have some in the ground as well as in the pot.

14) Collinsia parviflora: This one blooms nice and early in the spring though the flowers are small. They have self-sowed in a pot.
15) Potentilla gracilis: I got my first blooms this year. It was a slow-grower to get established and I put it in the ground just this spring."

Anita Bennett


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